Insomniacs 24 Hour Play Festival

In March of this year, I was able to add my first directing credit in New York onto my resume. Through a job listing I found on Playbill, I applied for a 24 Hour Play festival called “Insomniacs” produced by Grex Group Theatre. This was one of the first times in my creative career that I was going into something completely blind. I did not know the company, anyone else who was participating, and I had not done a 24 hour festival before. While this could have been a detriment, I chose to view this as an opportunity where I had nothing to lose.

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Directing Video: "Pit" by Chris Wesselman

In the Spring of 2015, I directed a serialized drama, written by Chris Wesselman, about the heroin epidemic in Cincinnati. At the point, it was one of the most serious pieces of theatre I had directed. Staring Patrick Phillips, Aiden, Sims, Tracy Connor, Leah Strasser, Victoria, and Joe Mock, this play tackles how it is to fall back into addiction, even after rehab.

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"Streetcar" is No Period Piece at Falcon Theatre

Delusion is shattered by harsh reality when a pair of iconic characters face-off. Fading southern belle Blanche DuBois is confronted by her merciless brother-in-law Stanley Kowalski in post-WWII New Orleans in Tennessee Williams’s classic A Streetcar Named Desire. It’s on stage at Falcon Theatre in Newport March 16-31.

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Nate Netzley